
Hi, I’m Jo Spiegelhauer.

My passion is helping people by inspiring and equipping them to take focused action.  I do this through personal coaching (hence the name ‘Your Personal Coach’), live training and creating visualisation audios and e-courses.

Your Personal Coach sprouted in 2005 when a business associate suggested the name.  Before and since then I’ve been gaining many different life experiences while honing my skills.  I love learning and am continually updating my skills and knowledge so that you get the very best from our time together.  Personally, I live in Australia, love to read, salsa dance, travel, and amongst other things I am learning to play golf and have recently started intermittent fasting.

My philosophy is that my clients will end each lesson or coaching session already taking focused action to implement the strategies outlined or agreed to.  My clients are given the resources they need so they become empowered to utilise those resources in the future, independent of me as their coach.

I am available to train and coach clients anywhere in the world as long as they have the ability to connect to the internet (e-courses and audios) and/or make a phone call (coaching clients).

“ My life has taken a positive turn since I last saw you [Jo].  I feel the skills you have provided me with helped me along the way and will continue to help me.”

— Margaret L., Townsville, Queensland, Australia

What are you looking for?

If you’re reading this website you’re probably looking for something. A spark…. ignition… acceleration….. accountability….

As your personal coach, I can help you in a number of ways to get inspired, then take focused action!

It’s now time to overcome your old habits that are costing you time, money and opportunity.

It’s time to take the next step now….. Get inspired and take focused action now.

I’m looking forward to learning more about how I can help you create a life of taking inspired action so you can experience less stress and more joy each day.

Jo, xo

Stop discretionary spending on clothes and accessories.

Learn to create personal visualisations to support you in stopping your discretionary spending so you can start saving and ease your financial stress.

“ Talk about accelerated change!  I was struggling to even get out of bed, now I’m up early in the morning like the Energizer bunny and achieving things I never thought possible!”

— J.M., Medical Doctor, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia